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发表时间:2023-04-01 18:47
问题:Cyclife to dispose of German steam generators? May 年月日中文为汇集直译,仅供参考!专注核步履法子退役及放射性废料治理的科普平台。接待交风行业成长,微灯号记号:kk邮箱:hituiyi.comEDF subsidiary Cyclife Sweden AB has signed a long-term contract with German nuclear operator PreussenElektra for the transport and processing of steam generators. These large metal components will be transported from the Unterweser, Grafenrheinfeld, Grohnde and Brokdorf nuclear power plants in Germany to Cyclifes industrial site in Nyk?ping, Sweden, for processing.?EDF旗下Cyclife瑞典日前与德国核电运营商PreussenElektra签定了一份持久合同,将运输和措置台蒸汽发电机。这些除夜型金属部件将从德国的Unterweser、Grafenrheinfeld、Grohnde和Brokdorf核电站运输到Cyclife位于瑞典Nyk?ping的工业基地进行加工。Unterweser (Image: PreussenElektra)Unterweser(图片:PreussenElektra)Cyclife said this contract follows a previous agreement, formalised in November by PreussenElektra, for the diantling of the same steam generators. Cyclife, together with its partner Framatome GmbH, will diantle and remove the large components from the reactor buildings for shipment and processing in Sweden. Cyclife Engineering, a Cyclife subsidiary created in , will be in charge of the detailed design studies.Cyclife暗示,该合同遵守了PreussenElektra于年月正式告竣的裁撤台蒸汽发生器的和谈。Cyclife与其火伴Framatome GmbH将裁撤并移除反映堆建筑中的除夜型组件,以便运输瑞典加工。Cyclife工程是Cyclife于年成立的子,将负责具体设计研究。The study phase of decommissioning operations has already started for the first nuclear power plant - Unterweser. The first shipment of steam generators to Sweden is scheduled for the second quarter of .核电站——Unterweser的退役功课研究阶段已最早。批蒸汽发生器将于年第二季度运往瑞典。The steam generators - which are around metres high and weigh almost tonnes each - will first be lifted out of the controlled area as a whole and then be shipped away by barge. They will subsequently be diantled and prepared for disposal. This procedure was used at PreussenElektras Stade nuclear power plant in . The company said this method "offers both time and considerable safety benefits compared to the alternative of diantling the steam generators on site."蒸汽发生器——每个除夜约米高,重近吨——将首先被整体吊出节制区域,然后用驳船运走。它们随后将被裁撤并预备措置。年,PreussenElektra的Stade核电站就采纳了这类编制。该暗示,这类编制“与现场裁撤蒸汽发生器的替代编制对比,在时刻和安然方面都具有相昔时夜的优势。”Steam generators are the heat exchangers in pressurised water reactors (PWRs), producing the steam that turns the turbines to generate the electrical energy in the generator. PreussenElektra said the diantling and disposal of the steam generators is one of the key major projects in the diantling of its PWRs and will take more than a decade. "Ensuring the safe and timely implementation of this project will be crucial for rapid diantling progress," it said.蒸汽发生器是压水堆(PWRs)中的热交流器,发生的蒸汽带动涡轮机,在发电机中发生电能。PreussenElektra说,蒸汽发生器的裁撤和措置是裁撤PWRs的首要项目之一,将破钞年以上的时刻。声明称:“确保该项方针安然实时实施,对快速裁撤过程相当首要。”"This is why we have deliberately chosen to award this contract for the whole fleet," said PreussenElektra CEO Guido Knott. "It allows us to maximise the knowledge we gain and make the best possible use of synergies."PreussenElektra的履行官Guido Knott说:“这就是为甚么我们选择授予全数合同。”“它使我们能够最除夜限度地操作所获得的常识,并最除夜限度地操作协同效应。”Cyclife Sweden will be responsible for the return transport to Germany of secondary waste resulting from the processing of the components, ensuring full compliance with applicable local rules and regulations.瑞典Cyclife?将负责将部件加工发生的二次废料运回德国,确保充实遵循合用的当地轨则和条例。Cyclife said the treatment of steam generators is the core business of Cyclife Sweden, which has "developed a unique expertise and process, continuously improved over the years."Cyclife暗示,蒸汽发生器的措置是Cyclife瑞典的焦点营业,该“成长了怪异的专业手艺和工艺,多年来不竭改良。”To date, Cyclife Sweden has successfully processed a total of steam generators and large heat exchangers from Swedish, German and UK nuclear power plants.Researched and written by World Nuclear News到今朝为止,瑞典Cyclife已成功措置了来自瑞典、德国和英国核电站的台蒸汽发生器和台除夜型热交流器。
